Pallet Size & Dimensions


Although much progress has been made in case of standardization yet pallet sizes and dimensions vary from country to country. Some of the prevailing global standards are as follows:

diy pallet size & dimensions

ISO Pallet Standards:

Dimensions mm (WxL) Dimensions inches (WxL) Wasted floor, ISO container Region Most

Used In

1016 x 1219 40 x 48 3.7%

(20 pallets in 40 ft ISO) North America

1000 x 1200 39.37 x 47.24 6.7% Europe, Asia, similar to 40″ x 48″

1165 x 1165 45.9 x 45.9 8.1% Australia

1067 x 1067 42.00 x 42.00 11.5% North America, Europe, Asia

1100 x 1100 43.30 x 43.30 14% Asia

800 x 1200 31.50 x 47.24 15.2% Europe; fits many doorways

North American Pallet Standards

Dimensions mm

(W x L) Dimensions inches

(W x L) Production Rank Industries Using

1016 x 1219 40 x 48 1 Grocery, many others

1067 x 1067 42 x 42 3 Telecommunications, Paint

1219 x 1219 48 x 48 3 Drums

1219 x 1016 48 x 40 4 Military, Cement

1219 x 1067 48 x 42 5 Chemical, Beverage

1016 x 1016 40 x 40 6 Dairy

1219 x 1143 48 x 45 7 Automotive

1118 x 1118 44 x 44 8 Drums, Chemical

914 x 914 36 x 36 9 Beverage

1219 x 914 48 x 36 10 Beverage, Shingles, Packaged Paper

889 x 1156 35 x 45.5 Unknown Military 1/2 ISO container, fits 36″ standard doors

1219 x 508 48 x 20 Unknown Retail

European Pallet Sizes

EURO pallet type Dimension (W x L) ISO Pallet Alternative

EUR, EUR 1 800 mm x 1200 mm 31.50″ x 47.24″ ISO1 same size as EUR

EUR 2 1200 mm x 1000 mm 47.24″ x 39.37″ ISO2

EUR 3 1000 mm x 1,200 mm 39.37″ x 47.24″

EUR 6 800 mm x 600 mm 31.50″ x 23.62″ ISO0, half the size of EUR

600 mm x 400 mm 23.62″ x 15.75″ quarter the size of EUR

400 mm x 300 mm 15.75″ x 11.81″ one-eighth the size of EUR

Asian Pallet Sizes

The two most common pallet sizes applicable in Asia are the square 1100mm x 1100mm (43.30″ ×

43.30″) pallet and the 1200mm x 1000mm (39.37″ × 47.24″) pallet.

Australian Pallet Sizes

The most widely used pallet size in Australia is 1165mm × 1165mm (45.87″ × 45.87″). It is also one of the approved ones of ISO.

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