Recycled Pallet Tables with Innovative Ideas


Pallet-the plank of wood has found its use from the ancient time and it exists till date with its new and modern looks. In earlier time the basic elementary things were being made by using the wood like wheels, weapons and houses. As time passed pallet has entered in our home and office as furniture and decor material.

And good news is that we don’t have to buy new pallet made furniture or other accessories every time. Now we can our self create these things at home just by simply thinking of our requirement and start doing so. Today I am going to share some wonderful ideas to get best of your old wooden stuff, something very useful and most seen at homes- “tables”. As we all use tables at home, now you can have good looking tables with innovative ideas to flaunt.

Firstly we will create a Pallet rolling table, the one which can be used inside and outside the house, choose any good quality wood. Four or five planks are enough to create one. Attach four rollers at four legs of the table and you are done to welcome a new table for all your indoor and outdoor use.

Another Idea is to create a handy table with short size and folding facility, you can take it anywhere, even when you are planning to a have a picnic with your family and friends, it can be made by a broad piece of wood. Isn’t a Dining table made with made with wooden pallet and marble as the surface would add beauty to your dining time, and then why not choose this idea?

You can also surprise your children with a wooden study table or computer table, they will simply love that. And these tables with multiply compartments will allow them to store as many things required at the study time.

Here’s another suggestion is to make a wooden lounger, simple to design with few planks, colour them and place it in your garden area, will add beauty to that place. So now it’s your turn to choose any one of the ideas or all.

pallet coffee table

pallet coffee table

pallet rolling coffee table

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diy pallet wooden table

pallet wooden table

 pallet coffee table ideas

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