DIY Pallet Wall Art Dandelion


Taraxacum is large genus of flowering plants in the family of Asteraceae and consist of species commonly known as Dandelion. Dandelion is a flower which small flower and seeds on its. Its very beautiful in shape and look. Dandelion art is very popular. Samsung mobile phone wallpapers have a special wallpaper of dandelion. As well some people make this flower with different angle as art. DIY Pallet wall art is an expensive thing when you buy painting from art galleries for the sake of home decor now you can made beautiful pallet wall art with rustic wooden pallets.

dandelion art on pallet


You can see there are so many different dandelion flowers painted over rustic wood pallets. Its so beautiful and simple art. You can set out these wall art in your house sitting room living room lobby anywhere. This is so simple and easy to draw this beautiful flower on pallet skids. DIY Pallet wall art Dandelion is beautiful wall art for home decor. You can see a beautiful art on wooden pallet background and dandelion shows beautiful picture.

diy pallet


The wooden background look so nice with this art. You can see a petal of dandelion on rustic wood but you can say this art and this is not so easy a natural look on rustic wooden pallet its an amazing. i have no more words on this art to express this. I just say awesome.

diy-pallet-art dandelionsource

diy pallet-art dandlinesource

pallet dandelionsource

pallet dandelion diysource

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